You are unique, and so are our meal plans.
Unlike other services, everyone's plan is as one-of-a-kind as they are.
So you always get precisely what you need - not what someone else does.
We start by getting to know you.
After we learn about your goals, metrics and food preferences, we calculate the perfect plan for you.
Each plan is guaranteed to hit your unique daily calorie target with an accuracy of 99.7%.
Each week you’ll receive a brand new plan.
All meals match your food preferences, and you can even swap a meal if you’d like to try something else.
Plus, If you’re cooking for a family, you can scale up dinners so everyone can enjoy them.
Everything is organised in your weekly shopping list.
So even if you swap meals, or are cooking dinner for more than one person, you can rely on your shopping list to keep you on track.
Plus, you only buy what you use - so you save on cost and waste less food.
Stay motivated and on track with your personal log.
Adding diary entries, weight records or even photos is easy and fun.
Everything you add makes it easy to track your progress and bring you closer to your goals.